Portrait photography: outdoors session vs studio session



Portrait photography is the art of capturing a person's likeness in a photograph. The focus of portrait photography is on the person, their facial features, and expressions, with the aim of telling a story through the images captured. Portrait photography has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more people wanting to capture their memories in a beautiful and lasting way.

When it comes to portrait photography, there are two main types of sessions to consider: outdoor and studio sessions. Outdoor sessions are typically conducted in natural environments, such as parks, beaches, or city streets, while studio sessions take place in a controlled indoor setting, usually in a photography studio.

Choosing the right session type is crucial for achieving the desired results in portrait photography. Outdoor sessions are ideal for those looking for a more natural and candid feel to their photos. They offer a wide range of background options, from scenic landscapes to urban backdrops, that can enhance the mood and story of the photographs. Additionally, natural lighting can add depth and dimension to the images, resulting in a more realistic and vibrant look.

However, shooting outdoors does come with its challenges. The weather can be unpredictable, and sudden changes in lighting can make it difficult to capture the perfect shot. Preparing for an outdoor session involves location scouting, checking the weather forecast, and selecting appropriate clothing to ensure the subject is comfortable and appropriately dressed for the setting.

Studio sessions, on the other hand, offer complete control over lighting and background options. This type of session is ideal for those who want a more formal and polished look to their photographs. In a studio setting, the photographer can manipulate the lighting to achieve a specific look or mood, resulting in more consistent and predictable results. Additionally, studio sessions can be conducted year-round, regardless of weather conditions.

However, shooting in a studio does come with its own challenges. The limited space can make it challenging to get the desired angle or pose, and the lack of natural lighting can result in a flatter and less dynamic image. Preparing for a studio session involves selecting the appropriate backdrop and props to enhance the story being told through the images.

Choosing between outdoor and studio sessions depends on personal preferences and the intended use of the photographs. If the aim is to capture candid, natural moments, then an outdoor session may be the best option. On the other hand, if the goal is to create a polished and formal look, then a studio session may be the better choice.

In conclusion, portrait photography is a beautiful way to capture memories and tell a story through images. Choosing the right session type is crucial for achieving the desired results. Outdoor sessions offer a more natural and candid feel, while studio sessions provide complete control over lighting and background options. Experimenting with both types of sessions can help photographers find their preferred style and create stunning portraits. Whether in Southampton, Portsmouth, London or elsewhere, there are plenty of opportunities to capture beautiful portraits in both outdoor and studio settings.


Outdoor Sessions


Outdoor portrait photography is a great way to capture natural-looking and captivating images. One of the main benefits of outdoor sessions is the availability of natural light, which can create a soft and flattering look for the subject. Additionally, outdoor settings often provide beautiful backdrops that can enhance the overall aesthetic of the photo.

However, outdoor sessions do come with their own set of challenges. One of the biggest challenges is the unpredictable weather. Even if the weather forecast predicts clear skies, it is always best to have a backup plan in case of rain or strong winds. Furthermore, the natural light can change quickly throughout the day, which can be challenging for the photographer to adapt to. The golden hour, which is the period of time just before sunset, provides the best lighting conditions, but it is a short window of time that requires careful planning.

To prepare for an outdoor session, it is important to scout the location beforehand. This allows the photographer to identify the best spots for photoshoots and to determine the best time of day for optimal lighting. In addition, the photographer should work with the subject to select the right wardrobe for the setting. Bright colors and patterns can clash with the background and draw attention away from the subject, so it is often best to choose more neutral colors that complement the scenery.

When shooting outdoors, it is important to have the right equipment. A camera with a high-quality lens is essential for capturing the details and nuances of the natural setting. Additionally, portable lighting equipment can be used to supplement natural light, particularly in situations where the lighting is uneven or there are harsh shadows. Outdoor portrait photography can be a rewarding experience for both the subject and the photographer, but it requires careful planning and preparation to achieve the desired results.

In Southampton, there are plenty of outdoor locations that offer beautiful backdrops for portrait photography. The New Forest National Park, for example, provides a diverse range of settings, from forest glades to heathland, that can be used to create stunning images. Meanwhile, the seafront in Portsmouth offers a unique and picturesque setting for outdoor portrait photography. London also has many outdoor locations that are ideal for portrait photography, including parks, gardens, and historical landmarks.

Overall, outdoor portrait photography can offer stunning results, but it requires careful planning, flexibility, and a willingness to adapt to changing lighting conditions. With the right preparation and equipment, photographers can take advantage of natural light and beautiful scenery to create captivating images that showcase the subject's personality and individuality.


Studio Sessions


Studio sessions offer many benefits for portrait photography. One of the biggest advantages is the ability to control the lighting. In a studio, photographers can use various lighting setups and modifiers to create the exact look they want. This level of control allows for more creative and dramatic portraits. Additionally, the controlled environment means that the background can be easily changed, allowing for a variety of looks in a single session.

However, shooting in a studio also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the most significant challenges is the limited space. Depending on the size of the studio, photographers may be limited in their ability to move around and experiment with different angles. Additionally, studios often lack natural light, which means that photographers must rely entirely on artificial lighting sources.

Preparing for a studio session requires a different set of considerations compared to an outdoor session. One of the most important factors to consider is the backdrop. There are many different types of backdrops available, including paper, vinyl, and fabric. It's essential to choose a backdrop that complements the subject and the intended look of the portraits. Props can also be used to enhance the session's theme or to add interest to the portraits. Finally, wardrobe selection is crucial, as the clothing should complement the backdrop and overall style of the session.

In summary, studio sessions offer the benefit of controlled lighting and versatile background options, allowing for more creative portraits. However, the limited space and lack of natural light can be challenging. When preparing for a studio session, it's essential to consider the backdrop, props, and wardrobe selection to achieve the intended look.


Comparing and Contrasting Outdoor and Studio Sessions


Now that we have discussed the benefits and challenges of both outdoor and studio sessions, it's time to compare and contrast the two options. Each type of session has its unique characteristics, and choosing the right one for your needs can make a significant impact on the final images.

One of the most significant differences between outdoor and studio sessions is lighting. Outdoor sessions benefit from natural light, which can create a warm and vibrant atmosphere in the images. In contrast, studio sessions offer controlled lighting, which can be adjusted to create a specific mood or effect. The choice between the two types of lighting depends on the desired outcome of the session.

Another difference between outdoor and studio sessions is the background options. Outdoor sessions offer a wide range of backgrounds, including natural landscapes, urban settings, and architectural landmarks. In contrast, studio sessions typically offer a more limited selection of backdrops. However, the advantage of a studio session is that you can customize the background to suit your needs by using different colors or patterns.

When it comes to the choice of session type, there are several factors to consider. If you are looking for a relaxed and natural look, an outdoor session may be the best choice. If you prefer a more formal or polished look, a studio session may be a better option. For example, a family portrait session may be best suited for outdoors, where the children can run around and have fun, while a business headshot session may require a more controlled environment, such as a studio.

It's also essential to consider the time of day when scheduling an outdoor session. The golden hour, which is the time just after sunrise or just before sunset, offers the best lighting conditions for outdoor photography. In contrast, midday sunlight can create harsh shadows and unflattering lighting conditions. Planning the session during the right time of day can make a significant difference in the final images.

Ultimately, the choice between an outdoor or studio session depends on the specific needs of the client and the desired outcome of the images. Outdoor sessions are ideal for creating a relaxed and natural atmosphere, while studio sessions offer more control over lighting and background options. It's crucial to communicate with your photographer to determine which type of session is best suited for your needs.

Soft Glass Photography offer a combination of both outdoor and studio sessions, providing the best of both worlds. For example, a photographer may start the session outdoors to capture some natural images and then move to the studio to create more formal and polished images. By experimenting with both types of sessions, clients can find their preferred style and create a diverse range of images.

In conclusion, both outdoor and studio sessions offer unique benefits and challenges. The choice between the two depends on several factors, including the desired atmosphere, lighting conditions, and background options. By understanding the differences between the two types of sessions and communicating with your photographer, you can choose the right session type to achieve the best results.




In today's world, portrait photography is a popular and powerful way to capture the essence and personality of a person. It is an art that requires creativity, technical knowledge, and an understanding of how to work with different lighting conditions and backgrounds. There are two primary types of portrait photography: outdoor sessions and studio sessions. Both offer unique advantages and challenges, and the choice between them can significantly affect the final images. In this article, we have discussed the benefits and challenges of both outdoor and studio sessions, provided tips on how to prepare for each type, and offered examples of when each session type might be the best choice.

Outdoor sessions have many benefits, such as natural lighting and beautiful scenery. The soft, diffused light of early morning or late afternoon can produce stunning portraits that capture the subject's natural beauty. Additionally, outdoor sessions can provide a unique and organic look to the images, depending on the location. However, outdoor sessions also come with challenges, such as weather changes and lighting variations throughout the day. It is essential to plan ahead for these challenges, such as scouting the location and preparing a wardrobe that is appropriate for the weather and environment.

In contrast, studio sessions offer controlled lighting and background options, allowing photographers to create consistent and evenly lit images. Studio sessions are especially useful for headshots or business portraits, where a more polished and professional look is desired. However, studio sessions also come with their own set of challenges, such as limited space and lack of natural light. It is crucial to select the right backdrop and props for the subject and desired outcome of the portraits.

When choosing between outdoor and studio sessions, it is essential to consider the desired outcome and the subject's preferences. For example, if the subject is looking for a more natural and organic look, an outdoor session might be the best choice. Alternatively, if the subject is looking for a more controlled and polished look, a studio session might be the best option.

It is also important to remember that the choice of session type can significantly affect the final images. Each session type provides different lighting, background, and mood, so it is essential to consider the desired outcome and the subject's preferences. Experimenting with both outdoor and studio sessions can help photographers find their preferred style and create stunning portraits that capture the essence of their subjects.

In conclusion, choosing the right session type for portrait photography is critical to achieving the best results. Both outdoor and studio sessions offer unique advantages and challenges, and it is essential to consider the desired outcome and the subject's preferences when making this decision. By carefully planning the session and selecting the right lighting, backdrop, and location, photographers can create stunning portraits that capture the personality and essence of their subjects. Whether in Southampton, Portsmouth, London or any other location, portrait photography can be an excellent way to capture memories and celebrate life's special moments. We encourage readers to experiment with both outdoor and studio sessions to find their preferred style and create stunning portraits that they will cherish for years to come.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is portrait photography?

Portrait photography is a genre of photography that focuses on capturing the personality, expression, and mood of an individual or a group of people.


What are the benefits of outdoor sessions in portrait photography?

Outdoor sessions offer natural lighting, beautiful scenery, and a relaxed atmosphere that can create a more natural and authentic feel in portraits.


What are the challenges of shooting outdoors in portrait photography?

Shooting outdoors can be challenging due to unpredictable weather, changes in lighting conditions, and distractions in the environment.


What are some tips for preparing for an outdoor session in portrait photography?

Some tips for preparing for an outdoor session include scouting the location beforehand, choosing the right time of day for lighting, and selecting clothing and accessories that complement the environment.


What are the benefits of studio sessions in portrait photography?

Studio sessions offer controlled lighting, a variety of background options, and a distraction-free environment that can create more polished and professional-looking portraits.


What are the challenges of shooting in a studio in portrait photography?

Shooting in a studio can be challenging due to limited space and lack of natural light.


What are some tips for preparing for a studio session in portrait photography?

Some tips for preparing for a studio session include selecting the right backdrop and props, communicating with the subject beforehand, and experimenting with different lighting setups.


How does the choice of session type affect the final images in portrait photography?

The choice of session type can affect the mood, style, and overall feel of the final images.


When might an outdoor session be the best choice in portrait photography?

Outdoor sessions might be the best choice for capturing a more natural, candid, and relaxed feel in portraits, or for incorporating the environment into the composition.


When might a studio session be the best choice in portrait photography?

Studio sessions might be the best choice for capturing a more polished and professional-looking portrait, or for controlling the lighting and background for a specific mood or style.